We may be jumping ahead because, well, we’re ready, but you may be, too. Are you feeling the subtle changes in the air? The new grass growing and new flowers blooming? Are you feeling that the sun is a little warmer, at least on some days? Wishful thinking or not (it can be difficult to tell from one day to the next around here!), we feel spring on the horizon. At this time of year, all of nature is in a state of renewal. As a part of nature, why shouldn’t we also get a seat at this table? We’ve spent months under layers of clothing and in heated homes and offices. As soon as we possibly can, we want to enjoy a change in season. However, we know that, with change, our skin may have a response. Here, we’ll discuss some of the ways in which the skin may react as Springtime comes and what we can do to make sure you’re ready to glow as we head into a new time of year.
What Happens To Your Skin When The Seasons Change?
For the past several months, the vast majority of Americans have warmed themselves by fires and via hot tubs, showers, and central heating. As we transition into a warmer season, we expect to breathe a sigh of relief that starts in our bones and permeates through our skin. While this sounds great metaphorically, it doesn’t really translate into real-life scenarios. At this time of year, what happens more often than not is people start dealing with allergies, acne outbreaks, and enlarged pores. As we spend more time outdoors, we may then receive the stark reminder that sunscreen is an absolute must as we stare at lobster-red skin when looking in the mirror. Fortunately, the effects of the season change can be treated easily. They can also be treated by getting a head start, which you can do by contacting Imago Medical Spa now.
How You Can Promote Graceful Aging At Any Age
It used to be that aging “gracefully” meant seeing a plastic surgeon when the time came for a facelift. Boy, how things have changed! In the last twenty years, amazing new technologies have been developed that have given rise to a whole new area of aesthetic medicine. At Imago, we pride ourselves on giving our clients an abundance of choices for correcting, managing, and preventing the signs of aging from appearing too soon. Some of these options include:
- Morpheus 8. This treatment is a prime example of the benefits of innovation. It wasn’t very long ago when research discovered the immense value of microneedling. The technique involves the creation of hundreds of tiny punctures in the skin. It isn’t an entirely new practice but it has been upgraded in a few ways. First, modern-day microneedling is done with an automated device rather than a roller. This achieves skin contact in a vertical manner rather than one that may be angular and inconsistent. Second, in the Morpheus 8 procedure, microneedling is augmented by radiofrequency energy. The combination of technique and technology drastically enhances cosmetic outcomes via the profound stimulation of healthy new collagen.
- HERO’s Forever Young BBL. This treatment platform utilizes broad-spectrum light to heat multiple layers of the skin for the purpose of stimulating cellular regeneration. With new cells replacing old, damaged skin cells, the signs of aging like hyperpigmentation, sunspots, rough texture, telangiectasia, and cherry angiomas can be a thing of the past, just like the cold, dreary winter weather we’re about to put behind us.
The team at Imago Medical Spa would love to help you feel refreshed this Spring. To schedule your visit, contact our Murray, Utah office at (385) 388-8600.